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Mike Mansfield

Clinic Director Great Denham, Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MSc Manual Therapy Independent Prescriber & Injection Therapist MSCP

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Q: What made you choose Physio/ Osteo as a Career?

A: I’ve always been really into sport and exercise. As a teenager, and even as a physio student, I was really keen to work in professional sport. Once I started working in the NHS I realised just how muchI enjoyed helping ‘normal’ people achieve their goals. In private practice I have a better platform than ever to help as many people as possible to be the best that they can be!

Q: Why did you join The Back & Body Clinic?

A: I wanted to work in the big leagues! Private practice is the best opportunity to offer people the optimal package of care for their condition and lifestyle. Quite simply, I joined to help people get better, quicker!

Q: University year qualified and work experience?

A: I completed my undergrad BSc in Physio at Coventry University in 2012. I’m currently near the end of my MSc in Manual Therapy, also at Coventry, due to be completed in 2020. Career wise, I spent my first 3.5 years in the NHS across a variety of settings. This breadth of experience was amazing for me; I met some incredible people from all walks of life, learned an absolute ton and confirmed to myself that MSK was the area that I was most passionate about.

Q: Clinical special interests?

A: I treat a lot of people with low back pain, and often find their success stories the most satisfying because often their pain is the most debilitating at the start. I have particular interest in the shoulder and the knee, which is apt because I love CrossFit and these are the most commonly injured areas!

Q: Favourite Physio techniques?

A: I love manipulations – I’ve had so many positive outcomes, and patient’s love a good click!

Q: Favourite rehab exercise?

A: Squats! What not to love?! Infinite variety of positions, angles, weights etc. Really adaptable to make them manageable for someone frail or really sore, right through to someone looking to hit a milestone or PB in the gym or on the pitch!

Q: Top Pastimes?

A: Obsessed with CrossFit and training in the gym; would be there every day if I could. As it is, 5x week seems to be about right for me. Iove to play golf, used to be pretty handy, but now I’m more of a fair-weather player!

Q: For lunch I have?

A:Chicken and roasted vegetables. Twice a day. Every day. Sounds boring, mostly because it is! I love to cook and eat, but during the week food = fuel. At the weekend food = fun.

Q: What’s your favourite film of all time?

A: It’s a two-way tie; Bad Boys II and Sicario. Such different films but both brilliant in their own right. Have definitely watched Bad Boys II so much that I can perform it as a one man show…

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