Q: What made you choose Osteopathy as a career?
A: Growing up I knew I wanted to go into a career that helped people, but it wasn’t until I was
recovering from a serious sport injury that I was drawn to osteopathy. At the time I was swimming at
a national level, so I was really desperate for someone to help me return to doing what I loved. I
visited a multidisciplinary clinic where the practitioners worked together to treat me and
successfully aid in my return to sport. It was then that I set my sights on becoming on osteopath and
working in a multidisciplinary clinic where I could help others in the same way.
Q: Where did you study?
A: I graduated from Swansea University in 2021 with a masters in Osteopathy.
Q: Clinical special interests?
A: I value the opportunity to treat any sort of chronic musculoskeletal based conditions. There is
nothing more rewarding than seeing improvement and progress in patients that have been in pain
for a period of time.
Q: My favourite patient journey and why?
A: My My favourite patient journey was during the COVID-19 pandemic. This patient had been suffering
with pain related to fibromyalgia and so required regular treatment. As we built a bond we were
able to reflect on the mental health and well being issues her condition had created. As the
treatment progressed I was able to help her physically, but in a trusting relationship to also support
her in taking positive steps to improve her overall wellbeing and mental health. Over the course of
the treatment I was able to help with a lot of the pain she had been feeling for such a long time and
the impact it had on her wellbeing - so this patient journey will always be really significant for me.
Q: Top pastimes?
A: I’m a water baby through and through, so swimming will always be my number one pastime. I also
really enjoy badminton and I love to bake (which is one of the ways I’m hoping to win over my new
colleagues!). I love being outside and the Pembrokeshire coast is my favourite place to go for some
time away.
Q: My most proud achievement?
A: Definitely my Welsh national swimming gold medals in the 200m butterfly.
Q: What do I do at the weekends?
A: I’d like to say I’m busy with a buzzing social life but most weekends probably consist mostly of
walking my dog, babysitting my two nephews (exhausting) and watching reigns when I can!
Q: One item to take to a desert island?
A: My dog for sure- he gives the best cuddles and I’m optimistic that on the island he could double as a
hunting dog
Q: Favourite film of all time?
A: Anything Disney! I come from a long line of Disney fanatics and I’m glad to carry on the trend!