Park View, Moulton, Northamption. NN3 7TN
01604 493 066
15 Tudor Court, Wootton Fields, Northampton NN4 6FF
01604 875 950
Anglia Way, Great Denham, Bedford, MK40 4FU
01234 980 980
34-36 Bell Plantation, Watling St, Towcester NN12 6GX
01327 221 800
7 Goldington Road, Bedford, MK40 3JY
01234 237660
Group Clinic Director, Physiotherapist, Independent Prescriber, Injection Therapist, Lecturer. MSc, MSc, BSc (Hons), MCSP, AACP, MMACP
Group Clinic Director, Physiotherapist PGDip, BSc (Hons), MCSP, MMACP
Clinic Director Great Denham Physiotherapist BSc (Hons) MSc Manual Therapy Independent Prescriber & Injection Therapist MSCP
Clinic Director Towcester Advanced Senior Physiotherapist BSC (Hons)
Advanced Senior Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MCSP, AACP
Advanced Senior Physiotherapist, Group Clinical Lead, BSc (Hons), MSc, MCSP, AACP
Advanced Senior Osteopath MOst, Clinic CPD Coordinator
Advanced Senior Physiotherapist BSc (Hons)
Senior 2 Osteopath MOst
Senior 2 Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MCSP
Senior 2 Physiotherapist MSc, MCSP
Senior 2 Physiotherapist BSc (Hons) MCSP
Senior 2 Physiotherapist BSc, MCSP
Senior 2 Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MCSP **Maternity Leave**
Senior 1 Physiotherapist BSc (Hons), MSc **Maternity Leave**
Senior 1 Physiotherapist BSc. (Hons)
Senior 1 Osteopath MOst
Senior 1 Physiotherapist, BSc (Hons)
Senior 1 Physiotherapist and Women's Health Physiotherapist, MSc (pre-reg) Hons, MCSP, affiliate member of POGP
Senior 1 Physiotherapist, BSc
Senior 1 Physiotherapist BSc. (Hons) MCSP **On Maternity Leave**
Senior 1 Physiotherapist
Senior Sports Therapist BSc (Hons)
Junior Sports Therapist BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning
Junior Physiotherapist, BSc (Hons)
Junior Physiotherapist
Sports Massage Therapist
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery BSc(Hons), MB, BS , Orth, MCh, PhD, FRCS (ORTH), FFSEM (UK), FFRCS Ed (Tr. and Orth.)
Group Practice Manager
Group Finance Manager
Marketing and Social Media Manager
Back and Body Medical Admin Manager
Group Reception Manager
Operations Assistant
Back and Body Medical Admin Assistant / Receptionist
HCA / Receptionist
Receptionist (Wootton Clinic)
Receptionist (Moulton Clinic)
Receptionist (Great Denham Clinic)
Receptionist (Wootton)
Receptionist (Bedford Clinic)
Reception (Moulton Clinic)
Park View, Moulton, Northampton NN3 7TN