Here at the Back & Body Clinic we love working with runners! We know that it doesn’t matter if you are an elite athlete, a mother of three or a carefree retiree; being side-lined by an injury can be hard to deal with by yourself both physically and emotionally.
Unfortunately, getting injuring is very common and one group of people that this applies to is runners. Research estimates that up to 82% of runners will suffer an injury at some point in their running career…82%!!
Lucky for you, we’re here to help!!
We have compiled a running performance toolkit, designed to help maximise your running performance and stop injuries in their tracks!!
Over the next few weeks we are going to talk you through the most common running related injuries; how to avoid them and optimise performance, and how to deal with them and super charge your recovery if you are injured!!
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
What is it? Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a complex and sensitive condition which presents as pain in and around the knee cap (patella). It can often be caused by a number of factors including muscle tightness, weakness, malalignment or over training. Here at the clinic we use a comprehensive running biomechanical assessment to identify and address these route causes.
The facts
- Considered the most common running related injury
- 5 million runners a year are diagnosed with PFPS!!
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
What is it? ITBs, ITBFS, IT band syndrome – call it what you want, iliotibial band syndrome is a commonly known running related injury that can stop a person right in their tracks…. literally!
The iliotibial band is a thick fibrous band that runs down the outside of the leg, attaching just below the knee joint. It is around this attachment point that most people will experience pain- hence it is commonly termed ‘runners’ knee’.
The facts
- 2nd most common injury in runners
- Most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners
- Estimated 5-14% prevalence in runners.
- Plantar Fasciitis
What is it? Other than being very difficult to spell, plantar fasciitis typically presents as pain in the sole and heel of the foot. The exact cause is understood to be like most running related injuries and is thought to be associated with ‘overloading’. Often the first few steps in the morning are painful, as well as walking barefoot and going up stairs.
The facts
- 3rd most common injury in runners
- 10% of the general population will experience plantar fasciitis at some point in their lifetime.
- Achilles Tendinopathy
What is it? A sore spot for some runners, Achilles Tendinopathy’s usually begin as a gradual pain in a portion of the tendon either during or after a run. Usually the tendon is painful if you squeeze it and there may be some swelling or thickening.
The facts
- Estimated to affect 9% of recreational runners
Stay tuned for our running injury series where we will run, jump and dive deeper in to each of these conditions! As they say, knowledge is power so let’s all strive to be healthier and happier runners!! 😊
She exudes positivity and prides herself on being an enthusiastic and empathetic Physiotherapist. Rachel is there to listen and strives to form strong partnerships with all her clients so they can work together to achieve their rehab goals Rachel has a breath of experience working as a musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in both the NHS and private sector. She is passionate about offering only the highest quality care and believes an accurate diagnosis, confident hands on treatment and appropriate self-management advice is key to helping people lead happy, pain free lives.