Physio Led Pilates
Physio Led Pilates
Pilates; strengthening the human body and mind. Sound good?!
We do advise that anyone thinking of joining a Pilates group class to come along to do a 1:1 Pilates session first to get the basics nailed down. It will also allow our therapists to provide an individualised exercise programme suitable for you depending on your pain, sporting requirements and ability.
What is Pilates?
Pilates has taken the world by storm and has quickly become one of the most popular exercise classes in the UK.
Its for everyone from athletes to desk workers, people with back pain to no pain- anyone wanting to improve their strength, flexibility, muscle tone, appearance and confidence!
Pilates is an exercise regimen involving low impact exercises to suit any level of fitness. Pilates offers many benefits for so many people… it becomes addictive!!
- Building core strength. In Pilates you are not looking to ‘build massive muscles’ but to ‘engage muscles’. Building a strong core and improving postural muscles helps to improve your body, your quality of life..and cosmetically improves appearance!
- Pilates increases flexibility, meaning you may be able to finally touch your toes! By increasing the length of your muscles, this facilitates a greater range of movement within the joints, reducing stiffness, pain and allows you to feel free and amazing!
- Pilates will improve your posture dramatically. You will become aware of your body and learning to engage the correct muscles. This is especially important if you have a desk-based job or manual job, which can lead to postural imbalances. Sustaining a good posture eases tension, reduces fatigue, reduces pain and prevents injuries.
- Pilates offers many psychological benefits, including relaxation and mindfulness, which is crucial in the busy world we live in today. Pilates is known to reduce stress levels and anxiety by releasing hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin (the happy hormones!)
- Improving your balance. Unfortunately, getting older or sustaining an injury may result in balance becoming a little more challenging, potentially increasing the risk of falls. By strengthening the correct muscles this will help maintain healthy, strong bones and muscles to keep you active and safe.
Why are our Pilates 1:1 Sessions unique?
Here at The Back and Body we are trained in Clinical Pilates, which means that we offer Pilates for everyone! We welcome all levels, from complete beginners to the absolute experts, males and females, young and mature, pain or no pain! We adapt exercises to meet individuals needs and we get hands on, focusing on the tiny muscles you didn’t know you had! We encourage a happy, fun and positive environment, allowing you to leave stretched, strengthened and full of energy.
Who should do Pilates?
The most common condition people associate with Pilates is low back pain, but Pilates can also be appropriate exercise for those experiencing neck / shoulder pain, knee problems and during / post pregnancy. Pilates is also very beneficial as part of a training plan in preparation for a sporting event such as a marathon or triathlon, or generally just to improve sporting performance. Pilates is also great for toning up muscles and improving body confidence!
Pilates and Low back pain
It is believed that when pain is present muscles react in a variety of ways. The stability and control of the deep spinal muscles is thought to be altered in those with low back pain, with the bigger muscles working harder and often causing increased stiffness and sometimes muscle spasm. This can then make normal movements and day-to-day activities very difficult to perform, having a detrimental effect on everyday life. Pilate’s exercises aim to promote normal movements, and to encourage deep muscles to work harder so other parts of the body can relax and do not have to compensate as much.
At The Back and Body Clinic we offer 1:1 Pilates training for those new to pilates or looking to advance their practice, wanting some 1:1 attention.