What is Pilates?
As a Physiotherapist with Pilates training I am often asked the above question, especially in recent
years as the popularity of Pilates has rapidly increased. Pilates originated back in the 1920s,
introduced by a gentleman called Joseph Pilates. His collection of exercises were tailored for elite
ballet dancers to improve their dancing performance. Pilates has now been modified to suit a variety
of clients, from those in severe pain to sporting athletes.
Pilates aims to improve strength and flexibility, with a large focus on the core muscles. The “core” is
a commonly used term nowadays and refers to the muscles of the abdomen, back and lower limbs.
Pilates exercises also focus on upper body posture, working the neck and shoulder muscles
effectively to improve overall body conditioning.
Who should do Pilates?
The most common condition people associate with pilates is low back pain, but pilates can also be
appropriate exercise for those experiencing neck / shoulder pain, knee problems and during / post
pregnancy. Pilates is also very beneficial as part of a training plan in preparation for a sporting event
such as a marathon or triathlon , or generally just to improve sporting performance. Pilates is also
great for toning up muscles and improving body appearance!
Pilates and Strength Training
Sometimes people think that strength training can only be done in the gym. They are right in some
respects because strength exercises with weights etc are mostly done in the gym. However, this is
not the only way, strength training can also be done with pilates. As long as there is the time under
tension then it can be classed as strength training.
Pilates has huge benefits such as strengthening muscles such as the core and glutes. As we age, it is
vital to keep up the strength training and this can be done through pilates. The main focus is slow
and controlled exercises which can lengthen and strengthen the muscles which in turn has a positive
effect and can be classed as strength training. The use of weights and equipment is used in pilates as
well which can contribute to the strength aspect of the training.
At The Back and Body Clinic we offer 1:1 pilates training with Tyla, at our Wootton clinic, and
provide an individualised exercise programme suitable for you depending on your pain, goals,
sporting requirements and ability.
If you are keen to learn more about Pilates or to book a 1:1 session please contact us on
01604 875 950 or email info@backandbodyclinic.co.uk.