Imaging & Scan Referrals
Imaging / MRI / Ultrasound / X-ray
What if I need and X-ray or a Scan?
We regularly get patients asking if they need a scan or an x-ray. The good news is that our expert team have the advanced skills needed to enable them to decide whether further investigations or an onward referral to a consultant is needed.
What Happens Next?
If you need any type of scan or X-ray we will write a private referral form for you and we will usually be able to get the scan done within a matter of days at a scanning location most convenient to you. We will then be sent the results of your scan and will explain them to you in detail. Should you need it, we can recommend and refer you to the very best consultant for you and send a detailed letter to them prior to your appointment.We know the local consultants very well and have worked closely with them for many years so we know who best to send you to.
Private Scans and Further Investigation Options
MRI Scan Referral Northampton | MRI Scan Referral Bedford
Ultrasound Scan Northampton | Ultrasound Scan Bedford
An ultrasound scan is an examination that involves taking pictures of the body using sound waves. Ultrasound can be used to look at all soft tissue structures and blood vessels. We find this type of scan very helpful to assess if inflamed tendons or torn muscle require more than just conservative care.
An X-ray is a quick, painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body — particularly your bones. The procedure involves exposing part of your body to a small dose of ionising radiation and we generally will send you for an X-ray if we are keen to rule out the possibility of a bone fraxture.
Blood Tests
A laboratory analysis is performed on a blood sample that is usually extracted from a vein in the arm. Blood tests are used to determine physiological and biochemical states, such as disease, mineral content, drug effectiveness, and organ function. We will often recommend a blood test if we want to look for any increased inflammatory markers or rheumatoid factors in your blood. We use both a local private laboratory or can write to your GP to request these.
CT Scan
A CT (Computerised Tomography) scan gives clear images of the inside of your body. CT is excellent in showing soft tissue, air, fluid, bone, vessels and all other internal structures of the body. We don’t request CT scans anywhere near as much as we request MRI Scans or Ultrasound scans but on some occasions, they can be the best choice depending on our expected diagnosis.
Nerve Conduction Studies
A nerve conduction study (NCS) is a test commonly used to evaluate the function of the motor and sensory nerves of the human body. They are mainly for evaluation of numbness, tingling, burning and/or weakness of the arms and legs.
An arthrogram is imaging of a joint after an injection of a contrast medium. The injection is normally done under a local anaesthetic. The radiologist performs the study utilizing fluoroscopy (X-ray machine) or an ultrasound scan to guide the placement of the needle.
Dexa Scan
DXA stands for “dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry”, and used to be known as DEXA. DXA scans are a fast and accurate way of checking your bone density and measuring the calcium content of your bones. DXA scans help us to find out whether you have osteoporosis or are at risk of developing it.