Epley Manouvre
What causes BPPV?
There are crystals of calcium carbonate that are a normal part of our inner ear and help us with our balance and body motion. These tiny rock-like crystals are settled in the centre of the inner ear. BPPV is caused by the crystals becoming displaced from their normal place. They begin to float around and get stuck on sensors in the wrong canal of the inner ear. The dizziness you feel will continue until the crystals settle after you move. As the crystals move and settle, your brain is getting powerful, false messages telling you that you are violently spinning, when all you may have done is moved slightly.
The most common symptom of BPPV is spells of vertigo. You may experience nausea (vomiting) or a severe sense of feeling unstable or like you are losing your balance. These symptoms will be intense for seconds to minutes. You can have lasting feelings of dizziness and instability, but at a lesser level, once the episode has passed. In some people, BPPV can be brought on by a position change like sitting up, looking up, bending over or reaching.
The Epley manoeuvre benefits individuals who have been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The success rate is very good if BPPV has been accurately diagnosed, but occasionally further investigation may be needed if patients are not responding as expected.